path: root/go-poppler/utils.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'go-poppler/utils.go')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/go-poppler/utils.go b/go-poppler/utils.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bda53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go-poppler/utils.go
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package poppler
+// #cgo pkg-config: poppler-glib
+// #include <poppler.h>
+// #include <glib.h>
+// #include <unistd.h>
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+import "C"
+import "unsafe"
+func toString(in *C.gchar) string {
+ return C.GoString((*C.char)(in))
+func toBool(in C.gboolean) bool {
+ return int(in) > 0
+/* convert a Quad struct to a GArray */
+func quadsToGArray(quads []Quad) *C.GArray {
+ garray := C.g_array_new(C.FALSE, C.FALSE, C.sizeof_PopplerQuadrilateral)
+ for _, quad := range quads {
+ item := C.PopplerQuadrilateral{
+ p1: C.PopplerPoint{
+ x: C.double(quad.P1.X),
+ y: C.double(quad.P1.Y),
+ },
+ p2: C.PopplerPoint{
+ x: C.double(quad.P2.X),
+ y: C.double(quad.P2.Y),
+ },
+ p3: C.PopplerPoint{
+ x: C.double(quad.P3.X),
+ y: C.double(quad.P3.Y),
+ },
+ p4: C.PopplerPoint{
+ x: C.double(quad.P4.X),
+ y: C.double(quad.P4.Y),
+ },
+ }
+ C.g_array_append_vals(garray, C.gconstpointer(&item),1)
+ }
+ return garray
+/* convert a GArray to a quad */
+func gArrayToQuads(q *C.GArray) []Quad {
+ length := int(q.len)
+ quads := make([]Quad, length)
+ for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
+ item := (*C.PopplerQuadrilateral)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer( + uintptr(i)*unsafe.Sizeof(C.PopplerQuadrilateral{})))
+ quads[i] = Quad{
+ P1: Point{X: float64(item.p1.x), Y: float64(item.p1.y)},
+ P2: Point{X: float64(item.p2.x), Y: float64(item.p2.y)},
+ P3: Point{X: float64(item.p3.x), Y: float64(item.p3.y)},
+ P4: Point{X: float64(item.p4.x), Y: float64(item.p4.y)},
+ }
+ }
+ return quads
+func rectangleToPopplerRectangle (r Rectangle) C.PopplerRectangle {
+ var pRect C.PopplerRectangle
+ pRect.x1 = C.double(r.X1)
+ pRect.y1 = C.double(r.Y1)
+ pRect.x2 = C.double(r.X2)
+ pRect.y2 = C.double(r.Y2)
+ return pRect
+func rectEq(r1 Rectangle, r2 Rectangle) bool {
+ return r1.X1 == r2.X1 &&
+ r1.X2 == r2.X2 &&
+ r1.Y1 == r2.Y1 &&
+ r1.Y2 == r2.Y2